World Thalassemia Day | Stem Cell Therapy

Here’s an infographic that explains how stem cell therapy has a cure for Thalassemia.
Now that we all know how stem cell therapy serves as the best possible cure for Thalassemia, we should make a point to spread awareness about this to our family and friends.
Thalassemia infographic (1)

7 Reasons To Save Your Baby’s Cord Blood

  1. Protect Your Family’s Future Health

You have many decisions to make during your pregnancy as you prepare for your baby’s arrival.

One of these decisions is whether or not to save your baby’s cord blood stem cells. Stem cells are found in abundance in your baby’s umbilical cord blood and the cord. These genetically unique cells are the building blocks for your baby’s body for blood, organs, tissue and immune system. They can help to repair or rebuild injured or damaged cells for your child and could possibly aid other family members. By banking your child’s blood you have the opportunity to preserve these potentially life-saving cells.

Umbilical cord blood is being used in the treatment and, in some cases, cure, for many cancers, immune and genetic diseases, injuries and other illnesses. Families who have a history of certain genetic diseases are especially encouraged to bank their baby’s cord blood due to its potential use in siblings or parents. More and more families choose to bank their child’s umbilical cord blood for peace of mind for their family’s future. Babycell offers many options to families in saving these precious resources.

The window of opportunity to collect these cells is very short and it is only a one time opportunity.

The cord blood and tissue must be collected in the few minutes following the birth of your child, so the decision to save these valuable cells should be made by your third trimester in order to have your collection kit, or “Babycell Collection Kit,” delivered to you in time.

  1. Many Diseases Can Be Cured Or Treated With Cord Blood Stem Cells Now

Cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment or cure of more than 80 diseases. Doctors are able to use it to treat many cancers and other malignant diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases and more.

Stem cells found in cord blood are much easier to match to a patient than bone marrow because it does not need to be as perfect a match as is required with bone marrow, which is why doctors are increasingly relying on this life-saving alternative to bone marrow transplants. Doctors have also turned to cord blood stem cells due to its lower probability of graft vs. host disease (GVHD).

Cord blood stem cells are also being used for the treatment of many more common diseases and medical afflictions such as cerebral palsy, autism, pediatric stroke, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.


  1. Cord Blood Stem Cells Will Always Be A Perfect Match For Your Baby

To be a match for any kind of stem cell transplant you must be a “match” to the donor cells. For a transplant coming from a bone marrow donor, a perfect 6 out 6 Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) tissue type match is required. For cord blood stem cells, only a 4 of 6 HLA match is necessary. Your baby will always be a perfect match to his or her cord blood should the need ever arise for a stem cell transplant. But did you know that for a full sibling there is also a 1-in-4 chance that they will also be a high-quality match? And cord blood stem cells are also a “half match,” or 3 of 6, for each parent.

  1. Stem Cell Research Is Revealing Exciting Future Uses

It’s an exciting time in stem cell research. More and more successful transplants and medical breakthroughs are leading expectant parents to cord blood banking. The results of medical researchers studying the effects that stem cells have on many diseases are encouraging. They are looking at the use of stem cells in the treatments of spinal cord injuries, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, HIV, diabetes, and many, many more illnesses, injuries, and diseases.

With this research, the importance of saving your baby’s cord blood is greater than ever before. By choosing a private cord blood bank like Babycell, you can store your child’s cord blood and provide him or her a guaranteed exact genetic stem cell match as protection for treatment possibilities in the future.


  1. Cord Blood Stem Cells Have Potential Sibling Use

Your children have an increased likelihood of requiring a stem cell transplant sometime in their life if your family has a medical history of any of the diseases that can be treated with cord blood. Choosing to bank the cord blood from all pregnancies is highly encouraged. The reason being that a sibling transplant may be superior for treatment of certain genetic diseases as opposed to one from the child’s own cells.

  1. Cord Blood And Cord Tissue Are Valuable For Your Family’s Medical Future

The stem cells in your baby’s cord blood have the ability to heal, repair or regrow damaged or diseased cells for your child or family members. The potential for their use today is remarkable with stem cells being used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases currently, and their future potential, as well as that from cord tissue stem cells, is promising with new therapies and discoveries made every day.

  1. There’s No Reason NOT To Bank Your Child’s Cord Blood

Whether it’s to protect your family’s future medical health, to treat a sibling with a current ongoing condition, or just for peace of mind, there is essentially no reason not to bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood. The scores of diseases currently being treated, coupled with the promising future potential being discovered every day, make the value in saving your baby’s cord blood even more important today. Preserving your child’s cord blood is an investment in your family’s future.





10 Tips to Maintain Pregnancy Hygiene and Safety

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time being pregnant or not, the need to protect your baby and yourself is, and will always be the highest priority you will face at this delicate stage of life. Even the most minute of things can have major implications on the health and development of your baby.
But fret not, we are about to list ten tips that will keep at bay any form of infection, complication or harm to your baby.


Cotton all the way -

Cotton fabric is a must for all those expecting. Since it is light and dries fast, clean and washed cotton clothes help prevent the development of skin irritation and incubation of infection causing bacteria.


Keep downtown clean, Always!

Always wash the vaginal area with water and mild soap regularly. . Besides this, after using the toilet always wipe front to back. These steps are essential in preventing the spread of bacteria to the urethra and in turn prevents urinary tract infection that can spread to the fetus and cause complications in its development.


Hand it to cleanliness -

One of the most basic and yet overlooked hygiene must do’s. Always wash your hands, preferably with warm water and disinfecting soap for more than 20 seconds. Carry a sanitizer along with you, keep it in your handy bag for you to use when you’re outdoors. This keeps you sanitized all day so that you avoid any intake of germs while you eat your meals.


Don’t go mental over dental -

There is a rise in oestrogen levels in the body, there can be swelling and sensitivity of the gums. If not kept in check, it can increase the risk of developing gum disease which, in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby.

If morning sickness is keeping you from brushing your teeth, change to a bland-tasting toothpaste during pregnancy. Ask your dentist or hygienist to recommend routine check-ups to maintain your dental hygiene.


Take the Breast care you can!

12 weeks in, your breasts start secreting a fluid called ‘Calostrums.’ This can lead to nipple irritation. Besides washing your breasts with warm water during your bath, a padded bra is a must. However, it must be changed regularly depending on the extent of fluid secretion.


A good exercise to follow –

The most important safety tip is to always stay active. Walk, stretch with pilates, breathe in and out with some serene yoga, all these activities are beneficial for the baby and keep you ready for labor. Besides, exercise helps control weight, improves circulation, uplifts your mood and helps you rest better.

You can also immerse yourself into your favorite dance routine with some energetic tunes, don’t care about looking odd, it’s what Momma needs!

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Baby’s got a plan –

Always have a written plan so that during pregnancy, whoever is assisting or taking care of you knows what your preferences are during pregnancy. Things like emergency contacts, people you want present during delivery, procedures you want to avoid, type of medications you can take, a what-to-do in case of complications.


Calling doctor jones -

Always call the doctor if you get sudden and unbearable pains, strong cramps, contractions at 20-minute intervals, spontaneous vaginal bleeding, feeling of dizziness, breathlessness, heart palpitations, continuous and constant nausea or vomiting, trouble in walking or swelling of joints and most importantly decrease in activity by the baby.

Have an expert’s personal contact number for you to call them, even in the middle of the night and consult on any kind of complications or unusual experiences.


Store the story –

The most downplayed tip, always maintain a journal of all the experiences that you and the baby go through. This can help the doctor find irregularities and has proven to be a preventive tool in many instances.


Shoe shopping!

The best way to keep yourself active and safe during pregnancy is to wear comfortable and un-slippery shoes.

Keep three pair of shoes for yourself. One for your exercising, one to go out and one for the washroom for you to avoid losing your grip on the wet floors.

Try using ortho- heel soles that are soft and padded with a firm grip, they are the best for your daily outing requirements.

Watch your diet -

This would be the most common nightmare for a pregnant woman, she tries everything to avoid upsetting her stomach and food poisoning. An ideal way to prevent this is to eat at home and eat safe.

Check the “Best before Date” on any packed food item you purchase, clean your veggies and fruits with enzyme cleanser before consuming them. It helps keep the bacteria and pesticides away.

Boil your food before you consume it to avoid any stomach infections.

Avoid eating leftovers and street food. If you crave something spicy and want to go to your favorite street-food joint, make sure they follow basic hygiene before serving you.

Besides these pointers, enjoy your pregnancy and stay healthy and safe!

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Important Prenatal Tests for all Trimesters

We are sure that the good news of the new baby has already brought in some zeal into your relationship. Now it’s time to take the onus of keeping you and your body healthy. For that, you and your partner might have started taking doctor’s appointments and doing your research on what is to be done before the baby gets here.

If this is first time, the primary concern is that you are new to this challenge and you might not be aware about the kind of tests to be taken during your pregnancy. We are here to guide you through all the vital tests and check-ups to keep in mind during this period.

First Trimester


1. Initial Blood Tests

A blood sample screening is conducted at your first pre-natal visit to the gynaecologist.

  • A complete blood count (CBC) to determine if you are suffering from Anaemia.
  • Hepatitis B – It can put your baby at risk of future liver disease, if it’s not treated.
  • Rubella (German measles) and Chicken Pox – If you aren’t immune, exposure during pregnancy can cause birth defects.

2. Thalassaemia

Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anaemia.

It’s a must to undergo this test in order to know about your type, whether it’s Alpha or Beta or if you are a carrier or not. In case you are then your partner also needs to be tested. If both partners are carrier there is 75% chance of child being Thalassaemic.

  1. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Tests
  • HIV – the virus that causes AIDS can cross the placenta before or during delivery and infect the fetus.
  • Syphilis – If unchecked, it can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia – If untreated, both can cause preterm delivery and eye infections in the baby.
  • Herpes – It can cause complications during delivery.


4. Pap smear – It is a screening procedure to determine cervical cancer.

5.  Blood Pressure – During pregnancy, you might have more chances of high blood pressure. In case high blood pressure continues after 20 weeks of pregnancy, there can be complications.


  1. Urine Tests
  • Glucose Screening – Gestational diabetes – It can increase the potential need for a caesarean section (because it can lead to the baby growing to be very large).
  • Blood and bacteria – It indicates urinary-tract infection and can lead to a kidney infection or preterm labour.
  1. Ultrasound

An ultrasound is a simple, painless procedure. A wand that uses sound waves will be placed on your belly. It is used to determine the age, rate of growth, position, and heart rate of your baby, and whether you’re carrying multiples or not.




Cystic Fibrosis (CF) – A genetic test showing that a person inherited one or two defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) genes. This testing can be done using blood or a sample from the mother’s womb before birth (chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis). Two positive sweat tests on different dates.

Second Trimester

Besides the basic urine and blood pressure tests, there are a few additional tests to pay heed to in your second trimester.

  1. Amniocentesis – The test is offered to women who are at the age of 35 or above. Amniotic fluid analysis detects some birth defects and genetic diseases, including some chromosome abnormalities (such as Down Syndrome) and neural tube defects.


2. Cordocentesis – Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) is a procedure that is used to obtain a small sample of the fetus’ blood. It is used to detect chromosome abnormalities indicating Down syndrome and blood disorders such as Anaemia and certain infections.

Third Trimester

1. Group B Streptococcus Screening – This helps to detect bacteria in your bowel, rectum, bladder, vagina, or throat since these can cause serious and potentially fatal infections in new-borns.

2. The Non-stress Test – The non-stress test (NST) measures your baby’s heart rate as it moves around. This test measures foetal heart rate patterns in women who have high-risk pregnancies, including those who have preeclampsia or diabetes.


3. Biophysical Profile – The biophysical profile combines the non-stress test with an ultrasound. The ultrasound component measures four foetal characteristics: breathing movements, muscle tone, body movements, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

This list sums up all the tests you should undergo in each stage of your pregnancy to ensure the health of your baby and yourself.

It’s important to undergo these tests with a prenatal expert/doctor who has experience and who you are comfortable sharing your personal information with.

It’s important to know what kind of tests are performed and what the benefits/threats

We hope this helps you with all the information on what prenatal tests are needed before the baby is born. Make sure you consult your OB/GYNEC before taking any tests.


World Cancer Day

On an average 2 people in India are diagnosed with cancer every minute!

On this World Cancer Day let’s all come together and strive to spread awareness about the disease.

Let’s educate people on how umbilical cord blood cells can help curing 70+ blood disorders causing cancer. Here are some stats on the prevalence of the disease and how Stem Cells give us new hope to fight it!


Nurture Your New Born

You’ve experienced 9 months of pregnancy, made it through the excitement of labour and delivery and now you’re ready to embark upon a new life with your little sweetheart. You bring your little bundle of joy home and finally get some peaceful time with your baby and only one thought crosses your mind – “You are my new world from now on, I will do anything and everything to take care of you!”.

Taking care of your newborn is one of the most special and rewarding experiences of your life. You may initially feel anxious about what to do in order to give your child constant attention and care.

There is so much information to take in when you become a parent. Sometimes when we look at the bigger picture of family planning, we miss out on small and simple things that a newborn would need from a parent.

Here are some tips that will help first-time parents feel confident about caring for a new-born in no time.

  • Feeding your baby

You will have to feed your baby at least 8 to 12 times per day during the initial weeks. You may want to wake your baby if he/she has not been fed for more than 4 hours. In the beginning, mothers may want to try feeding 10-15 minutes on each breast and then adjust the time as needed. Breastfeeding should be ‘on demand’ (when your baby is hungry), which is generally every 1-3 hours. The right time to feed your baby milk and solid foods is when he/she is sitting upright and can hold his/her head up straight


  • Baby skin care

The skin of your newborn is very sensitive and is prone to rashes. Don’t panic if you see red rashes on your baby’s body in the first few months.  Keep your baby’s skin hydrated by bathing in warm water for only three to five minutes.

Avoid letting your baby sit or play or soak for long in soapy water. Apply baby lotion or moisturizer immediately after bath while the skin is still wet, and then pat dry instead of rubbing.

  • Picture4Baby’s Learning Process

Babies in this age spend more time awake and become more curious about their parents and about objects that they see. They have a special skill called imagination!

Design the nursery full of colours with lots of space to give them an outlet to express their creativity. Give them a room that has alphabets, games, toys and plain canvas space so that they can channelize their imagination and discover themselves. A child’s imagination runs wild, and parents must encourage them to express it!


  • Getting Dads Involved

Dads, grab the chance to bond with your little bunny. A newborn gets used to being soothed by the mother when they are sulking. If Dads take the responsibility to rock their babies to sleep and soothe their tears, they will start bonding with their babies in no time!

Besides pacifying your baby, you can also be the fun parent. Get involved with the baby by playing games and teaching them how to walk. Let your baby come closer to you with these fond gestures.


  •  Baby Sleep

It takes a few months for your little one to adjust to his/her sleeping cycles. Give them some time to understand the difference between dawn and sunset.

When the baby is awake during the day, interact and play with him/her as much as you can. Keep the house and his room light and bright. At night keep the lights and noise level low, and don’t spend too much time talking to him/her.  An infant’s sleep pattern settles down between the 3-6 months’ mark.



Healthy Diet for a Breastfeeding Mom

Being a mother is a beautiful experience, but it comes with a lot of responsibility- not only towards your child, but towards your own health.

Your baby’s health depends on your breast milk and its nutrients. However, every woman’s breast milk is composed differently to suit her child, hence it is important for every woman to pay special attention to her diet. Here are some tips you could use when you are pregnant.

Maintaining a well-balanced diet

Enough nutrition during pregnancy is necessary for your baby to grow and develop. Vomiting and nausea are pretty common during the first few months of pregnancy, and can make this difficult. Try to have a well-balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins to assist with this.

Lactating mothers feel hungrier, which makes sense since your body is working extra to produce milk for your baby. Consuming small meals along with healthy snacks in between is an excellent way to keep your hunger pangs at bay and your energy levels on the higher side.



Stop counting the number of calories!

Mothers who are Breastfeeding require 500 calories more than regular moms. That is 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day.

You should listen to your body and eat what it demands. That is usually all the calories your body actually needs. Counting calories does not help unless you are trying to watch your weight. Too much dieting can decrease the milk supply to the milk ducts. However, if you are well planned and diet sensibly, it should not pose any problems.



Go for slow and steady weight loss

Many new moms discover that the weight they gain is very hard to lose; while others feel that it is easily lost. But the truth about weight loss remains that it depends largely on your body’s metabolism rate, how much physical activity you are getting in a day and the type of food you prefer to eat. Therefore one must always remember to lose the pregnancy weight very gradually. Ideally, take a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy self.

Never try to lose weight by dieting until at least two months after your baby is born. A reduced calorie intake in these first couple of months could leave you feeling a loss of energy and can possibly reduce/ diminish your milk supply.

But if you are way above your average/ideal weight, you could start shedding those extra pounds earlier. Remember to take your doctor’s advice before starting the weight loss process; and remember to drink plenty of water, to always stay hydrated!



Avoid alcohol

In general alcohol should not be consumed while a mother is breastfeeding as it enters the milk and alters its composition. Having a small amount of alcohol will also affect your milk letdown reflex.


Stay hydrated and cut down on your caffeine

16 cups of fluid is required by your body when you are breastfeeding and this includes the fluid from the food you consume. But there’s no need for you to keep track of the amount of water you consume a day. Your urine colour is also an indicator of how well hydrated your body is (light yellow or clear urine is a good sign).

It’s totally fine to have your morning cup of tea/ coffee but remember not to overdo it. Small traces of this caffeine will end up in your breast milk and your baby’s body is not fully equipped to break it down and expel it out.


Bumpy Bonding!


Pregnancy is the most exciting phase of any woman’s life. It is a journey that takes a woman to a new phase called – Motherhood!

While you are excited about getting to that new stage, your body goes through a complete roller coaster ride – mentally, emotionally & physically! You will be very cautious about things you do! One of them is an attempt to bond with the bump!

Bonding with your bump helps you build a stronger connect with your baby! But in most of the cases mommies-to-be wonder how?

To help you sort this dilemma, here are few ways that you can try:

1. Massage your bump

A soothing way to bond with your baby is to gently massage your belly. This is safe to do after the first three months of pregnancy, and it’s a great way to relax and unwind.

2. Sing soothing songs to your bump

If you are wondering what to talk to your baby, in that case singing out your favourite song would be the best thing to do. This will also help you develop a habit of singing lullaby to your baby for the coming time.

3. Read out positive stories

A baby always believes in the stories heard from his mother. Reading out stories to your bump will lay a foundation of positive thoughts in the baby?s brain.

4. Listen to some music together

A baby can sense music while in the womb. Music is one such thing that can calm and sooth all the senses.

5. Feel the kick

Feeling the baby?s kick is one sensation that should be experienced by both the parents. Together responding to the kicks will not only nurture your bond but builds a two way communication with the baby too.

One last quick tip – To connect better with your bump choose on a name to address your unborn child. Keep a unisex name for the bump and address him with that name. This will help you give your bump a definitive identity and make your bond with it even more special.

Pregnancy Calendar

Pregnancy is an exciting phase of life for every woman! After you announce your pregnancy, the first question you’ll probably be asked is, “When are you due?”

To answer that question for you, we bring to you our pregnancy calendar!

Calculate your due date in seconds with this! Try it out now!