Role of a Father in pregnancy

We all know that father’s make a very special place in our lives even before we are born. Let’s say that our wonderful fathers done that double shift or sacrificed that weekly off to become more financially stable. Let’s not forget those all nighters to ensure you and mommy slept peacefully. This is just the tip of the ice berg. In fact, it takes almost the same amount of toll on the dad as much as on the mother while preparing for the baby.

Hence whenever we arrange ANCs we make it a point to keep a separate session for the expecting fathers where we talk and discuss about their perspective and apprehensions while they are entering this new role as a father.

Babycell blog 13th june

While discussing the role of a father here we will consider 3 aspects:

  • During pregnancy
  • During labour
  • Post pregnancy

During Pregnancy

They say it’s not just the mother but also the father who experiences pregnancy, although not physically but mentally and emotionally;

Take a few minutes every day to discuss your doubts and queries

Since the breasts become tender especially during the early weeks of pregnancy be careful when you get intimate. Avoid sexual intercourse in case of bleeding and pain. You can still keep the romance alive with some foreplay (let her know that despite of the weight gain and hormonal imbalance she still is as appealing as before).

Discuss your finances and investments with your wife to assure her that you do have a plan. This will ascertain her financial stress is reduced.

Help her with good sleep since the stress and anxiety will do a lot of talking.

Try to accompany her with every prenatal check-up.

Try to be around her when she is going through the “Morning Sickness” phase since this will be accompanied with a lot of mood swings (understand it’s the hormones talking).

Although there is a lot of literature on preparing to be a father, along with enlightening yourself by reading this you may also join a Lamaze class (which teaches you a father’s role during pregnancy and labour).

Pregnancy includes a lot of healthy eating and avoiding junk, try to be a part of this healthy eating carnival with you wife to support her and show her that even you a part of this change. Once in a while you may want to exhibit hands on your culinary skills “as an experimental chef” just to surprise her (then even if it means blending a milkshake and presenting it in an exotic way).

Encourage her to exercise under an expert with the doctor’s consent preferably through  an antenatal class.


During Labour

As the due date starts nearing a mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety will encroach upon you and your expecting wife

Calm yourself first and then try to calm your panicking wife (your meditation and breathing exercise lesson will be your savior here).

Since you would be already on a paternal leave you must read a bit on 3 stages of labour.

Anxiety can lead to pregnancy induced hyper tension in expecting mothers hence you need to divert her from the same. Lighten the environment by playing her favorite movies, music, call over some close friends for an evening chat over some tea or coffee

As the days pass by they may seem long so instead of waiting and anticipating enjoy each moment with her

Make sure that the mom-to-be has packed her bag if you are planning to have the delivery outside your home (hospital or birthing centre).

Stock the house with essentials so this saves you from running around post-delivery.

Update yourself with the knowledge regarding the Brackston Hicks contractions (false contractions) from your concerned gynecologists. Learn to time the contractions.

Make sure you are well hydrated and stuffed with some healthy food to remain energetic

Once the contractions begin these may last up to 14 to 16 hours or even more.

While she is being taken to the labour room run her through the breathing exercises that you learnt in your Lamaze class.

During the second stage of labour as the baby is being pushed out comfort the mother with some light massage on her forehead and hands. This is “sparsh chikitsa” (touch therapy by the ones who love you!)

If the mother is unable to maintain the much-required skin-to-skin contact you can do it to help your baby know its father (some men even get topless to get a better feel)


When things don’t go as per the plan, it becomes a bit disheartening for the mother as well as for you. This could be in case of an induced labour which an emergency call taken by the doctor in case the contractions don’t begin even once the due date arrives

In any situation, you as a father must remain as strong as possible as this will help the expecting mother to gain more confidence

In case of pregnancy induced hypertension help the expecting mother calm down with the breathing exercises.



Post- Pregnancy:

Now that you have successfully welcomed your little angel, this little one has come with a lot of added responsibilities.

Say goodbye to your sleep since for initial few days you may have to go on night shifts while the newbie mommy recovers from the labour exhaustion and gets some good sleep.

Try to have a domestic help as laundry and cooking are your two new friends!

While you make sure that the new mom is eating well you must do it too.

Help her begin her exercise routine as soon as the doctor gives a green signal.

Learn things like changing the diapers, sponging your baby, massaging the baby occasionally, putting the baby to bed. This will not only make your wife feel better but also improve your bonding as a father with your baby.

Post-partum depression is a serious case and needs to be handled very delicately. In case you feel your wife is suffering from one do not hesitate to take her to a counselor asap. Together you can overcome this phase as well!

Be responsible to accompany your child and your wife for regular check –ups post pregnancy

For the first six months while the mother will be busy feeding the child exclusively the breast milk, help her ease down the back with some soothing massages. Attend the lactation classes with her to help her get a better ”breast feeding” experience.

In case of working and ambitious mothers let them know that you respect their work and encourage them to go ahead and follow their dreams. Remember it’s important to let her know that although she has acquired a new role as a mother with new responsibilities, she still has a life of her own and can choose to do whatever she aspires to do.



Blog by – Dr. Kranti Nimkar Kumta


International Women’s Day – a tribute to the S-heroes

International Women’s Day (a.k.a. IWD) was celebrated by us all and many of us have already liked social media posts or videos across the web. We all know that this day is dedicated to the species from Venus, but how many of us know what exactly IWD is? Why is it celebrated?

International Women’s Day is a day when we celebrate the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women. This day also marks for accelerated ‘gender parity’. It all started back in the year 1908, when a group of 15,000 women marched on New York streets and openly demanded for their rights, better pay and shorter working hours. Since then, every year on 8th March, the entire world joins hands together to support, raise, inspire and motivate women across all fields of work. Every year, there are new challenges to female success, which make it difficult to achieve gender equality in all aspects of their lives. So, people across the globe come together to inspire and celebrate women’s achievements. The entire world rejoices in the extraordinary acts of women by standing together, as a united force to advance gender equality around the world.


Past years have focused on various themes such as ‘Woman and Human Rights’ and ‘World Free of Violence Against Women’. Last year, the IWD theme was ‘Pledge for Parity’. It was around asking people all over the world to pledge to help women achieve equality with men. This was to encourage women and girls to achieve their ambitions, face challenges and sustain against all odds and create inclusive flexible cultures.

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day was #BeBoldForChange. This theme was around women empowerment where the objective was to take bold steps to change today’s scenario where women are still striving hard to prove and stand up for themselves and fight against the stereotype belief of the society. The best part of such stand is that the society is changing; Changing in a better way! According to the recent National Family Health Survey 4:

  • The gender ratio at birth has increased to 919 per 1000 men compared to 914 per 1000 men NFHS 3.
  • The number of hospital births has increased to 78.9% from 38.7%
  • The number of mothers receiving full antenatal care has rose to 21% which was 11.6% in the last decade.


The color of the theme is Purple that symbolizes dignity and justice which are the two important goals of IWD aim to achieve for all women in all parts of the world.

Babycell understands that, the current conventional thoughts of the society towards women need to be changed and hence came up with #KillTheStereotype campaign in a humorous way. Here, we encouraged couples to talk about women killing the orthodox patriarchy, existing social beliefs and doing something extraordinary in various aspects of their lives. We also asked the husbands to share, in what way are they supporting their wives to kill these social-conventional opinions. Being in 21st century, it is high time that the women stop bearing all the social barriers and stand tall against all odds. For this, we all should take a step forward to #KillTheStereotype. This campaign is a tribute to all women across the globe for their great courage for proving that they are equal or better than the men.


Cord Of Love

A family that bonds together, stays together!


The simple six-letter word ‘family’ has thousands of emotions and warmth attached to its meaning. But have you ever stopped for a second to wonder what a bond in a family actually means? Did you ever realise why that ‘bond’ is so important and precious to each one of us?

Well, the answer to all of these questions will take us back to that one exceptional thing that keeps a family together. It is nothing but the ‘Cord of Love’!

In this world full of insecurity, fear, anxiety and where every other frightful emotion dominates, there is one priceless thing that helps us overcome each adversity. That one thing is the ‘Cord of Love’ which we are fortunate enough to share with the most special people in our lives: our parents and our children!


The bond a parent shares with their child is one of the most powerful and strongest bonds of nature. Whether you’re a single parent, a step-parent or even an adoptive parent, you’re sure to form an unbreakable bond from the birth of your little bundle of joy. However, apart from parents, we also share a certain emotional attachment with our grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts and siblings which may not overpower the ‘Cord of Love’ shared with parents. Yet it manages to hold a strong position in our lives. It gives us strength and keeps us all together in good times and in bad.


Out of all the relationships a person is involved in during his lifetime, it goes without saying that the ‘Cord of Love’ shared with our mothers is a clear winner. It is said to be the most powerful and unadulterated form of love as mothers develop a feeling of anticipation and emotion right when the baby is in their womb. That is when a strong establishment of relation and the ‘cord of love’ is already set with the baby.









Same might not occur with the father but even here, there’s no way the bond with the child would suffer. They share a bond of respect. The father’s love towards his child is developed when he holds his baby for the first time in his arms. That’s when the ‘Cord of Love’ begins.


The strength of every mother’s emotional bond with her child is so fierce, that it has the ability to triumph every other bond. A child’s physical attachment with the mother may end once the umbilical cord is cut, but the emotional and psychological attachment begins right then.

The umbilical cord provides everything the baby needs to survive inside the womb, but little do people know how it keeps providing even when the baby is outside the womb. Through ups and downs and thick and thins, through every life-threatening disease, this real ‘Cord of Love’ will always be there to protect and shield your little one. This unbreakable ‘Cord of Love’ will be shielded by none other than, Babycell!


No one can imagine life without parents! The tiny things that we do for each other, the love, the respect, the care, it all strengthens the bond and this is where the ‘Cord of Love’ gets more meaningful and glorious.

Love is always around us, it’s always available to us. If we choose to embrace this love towards our parents and children, the ‘Cord of Love’ will keep getting powerful and unbreakable through all our thick and thin and everything in between.



The best way to record your baby’s first year!

The first year of a baby’s life is full of surprises and excitement. You have a new-born who is completely dependent on you who eventually grows up into a kid, runs around the house and keeps you on your toes! As parents, it is important to make memories of baby’s first steps, first words, and first moments!

So here are a few ideas that will help you record your baby’s ‘firsts’ in the best possible way!

  1. Capture each moment

Yes, most parents would be doing this already! It does not have to be a professional shoot, but just capturing all the moments are very important. Most parents have filled up their Instagram and Facebook with loads of cute and candid pictures!

Have a look –


2. Document your baby’s growth and milestones

A scrap book is a perfect option to record your baby’s firsts. You can write a little about feelings of baby’s daddy, granny, grandpa and other family members. The book need not be fancy but should have all the moments and milestones recorded.  Here are some #DIY scrapbook ideas –

bbb3. Shoot the second

Besides having a photo album, you can capture the first laugh or the first word in the form of a video. There is nothing better than seeing the actual footage of the baby’s adorable actions and compile into a video.


4. A trunk of memory

Sometimes physical things have more value than pictures or a video. You can collect all the first things of your baby, like his/her first toy, or the first pair of clothing etc. You can make a box of all these things and save it. Also, the younger sibling could use the same toys or clothes to inculcate the value of sharing and bringing them emotionally closer.



5. A personalized calendar

Sometimes it is good to record the time and date of the events. As many people like to remember first things through dates, you should record the baby’s too. Like the first day he/she crawled could be recorded through the date. With this, you could even record the baby’s progress and you will know exactly how the baby is developing and growing.  Here are some cute ideas –

6. 365 days of the baby!

There was a trend on Instagram with 100 days of the baby. Similarly, there could be 365 days of the baby recording each and every move of the baby day on day. This will help you understand the progress of the baby. It is interesting in the first few days as the baby’s look and habits keep changing daily.


7. Month on month recording

If you don’t have the time to record each day, you can make an infographic or a summary about the progress of the baby month on month. You could have few things which you can record regularly every month. Like the weight of the baby at the end of the month or their every new first in the month.


Here are a few ideas that we have shared. But if you have done something innovative, do share and the most unique answer will win an exciting prize!!

Celebrate your baby’s firsts, they don’t come back!


Role of cord blood in curing juvenile diabetes

What is Juvenile Diabetes?

Juvenile Diabetes/Type 1 diabetes develops when a child’s pancreas stops producing enough insulin. Insulin lets blood sugar-also called glucose-enter the body’s cells, where it is used for energy. Without insulin, the amount of sugar in the blood rises above a safe level. As a result, children experience high and low blood sugar levels from time to time. High blood sugar can damage blood vessels and nerves throughout the body and increases your child’s risk of eye, kidney, heart, blood vessel, and nerve diseases.

Experts do not know what causes type 1 diabetes. But the cause may involve family history and maybe environmental factors like diet or infections.

Juvenile Diabetes is the 2nd most common chronic childhood disease in the world. It is estimated that India is housing about 97,700 children with Juvenile Diabetes. Surprisingly India has more diabetes patients than the United States.

Current treatment: Insulin is the only injection-based medicine that can keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. It cannot reverse the disease.

Role of Cord Blood in Curing Diabetes: Infusing cord blood stem cells into the body, scientists  have proven that it can slow down the immune system’s attack on pancreatic cells producing insulin and perhaps replace them with healthy cells.

Results: So far 11 diabetic children aged 2 to 10 have been treated with their own cord blood. The follow up lasted between 3 and 31 months. The study concluded that stem cell transplant is a permanent cure and the treatment is feasible and safe.

Benefit: 1 in 3 Indians could be benefited with this novel cord blood stem cell therapy to treat diabetes.




Cord Blood Stem Cells a perfect cure for Leukemia


Cord Blood Banking allows you to preserve your newborn baby’s cord blood and use the stem cells found in it in future if a need arises. These stem cells can be used in the treatment of more than 80 diseased conditions. More conditions continue to be researched due to ever increasing stem cell preservation benefits.

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells, which involves multiplication of malignant White Blood Cells (WBCs). These abnormal cells do not function in the same way as normal WBCs, they continue to grow, divide and accumulate very quickly eventually crowding out the normal blood cells leading to difficulty in fighting infections, controlling bleeding, and transporting oxygen.


Tiredness, easy bruising, and susceptibility to infections are the major symptoms. Acute leukemia requires fast and aggressive treatment.

Prevalence of Leukemia in India

In low- and middle-income countries more than 250,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year have limited access to curative treatment, and only about 25% survive. An estimated 67,870 deaths have resulted from blood cancer in 2015. According to a report from National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP), in India cancer is the 9th common cause of death among children between 5 to 14 years of age.

Table 1: Childhood Cancer Incidence in India (AAR: Age-adjusted rates of incidence) (Data source: NCRP report)




Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant – Cure for Leukemia

Normal blood cells develop from stem cells that have the potential to regenerate and form many cell types. Cord blood for transplants is collected from the umbilical cord after a newborn baby is delivered. The stem cells from this cord blood are extracted in a Cell Processing Centre and preserved in -196ᵒ C liquid nitrogen tanks for future use.

Stem cell transplants which use the patient’s own stem cells are called “autologous transplants”. One can even use donor stem cells, they may come from either a related or unrelated matched donor, and this is called an “allogeneic transplant”. Most transplant physicians would not want to use a baby’s own cord blood to treat his or her leukemia. This is because donor stem cells might better fight the leukemia than the child’s own stem cells. Considering the high prevalence of leukemia, cord blood stem cell preservation benefits and curative uses of cord blood stem cells, it is evident that cord blood stem cell banking is important. Babycell understands that every family should stand a chance to treat their children, to help such patients Babycell has a Sibling Program. In case you have a child diagnosed with a




blood disorder your next baby’s cord blood stem cells can be used to cure your child under this Babycell collects, processes and stores your upcoming child’s cord blood stem cells free of cost for 5 years. Due to stem cell preservation benefits and development in technology it can definitely create a healthier, disease free society. Expecting parents must ensure that they opt for cord blood stem cell banking of their upcoming baby as this is one time opportunity. Babycell achieved its ISO certification in the first year itself; by the second year of operations they received GMP, GLP and GCP certifications. Babycell also provides value added services like new born screening (NBS), CFU assay- to test the ability of stem cells to differentiate, HLA testing, Father’s wellness program and more.


Fast facts about childhood cancer and stem cell transplantation

  • Cancer is the 9th common cause of death among children between 5 to 14 years of age in India
  • More than 250,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, Out of which there are 50,000 new childhood cancer cases in India Of these, 30-40% are leukemia and lymphomas, 20% are brain tumours and 1% retinoblastomas (eye cancer)
  • Only about 25% survive as they have limited access to curative treatment
  • An estimated 67,870 deaths have resulted from blood cancer in 2015
  • Prevalence of childhood cancer has doubled in last one decade. In 2006 childhood cancers were 2.5% of the total number of cancer cases and today, they add up to 5.5%. Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai alone treats 2,000 new pediatric cancer cases annually.

Current Treatment for childhood cancer

  • Current treatment options are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy. These are expensive and a temporary solution with a chance of disease relapse.
  • Often a combination of Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation offers a 100% cure for childhood cancers.

Stem Cell Transplantation

  1. A stem cell transplant can take a few days or months to complete. The process begins with treatment of high doses of chemotherapy, this treatment goes on for a week or two. Once it is successfully done, patient is allowed to rest for a few days
  2. Patient then receives the stem cells through an IV catheter. This process is like receiving a blood transfusion. It takes 1 to 5 hours to receive all the stem cells.
  3. After receiving the stem cells, patient is set for a recovery phase. During this time the stem cells received to start making new blood cells.

Till date 1 million stem cell transplants are done worldwide,  more than 50% have been performed in children



Breastfeeding Awareness Month

We all know that August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, but have people really understood the importance of breastfeeding a baby? Women today consider breastfeeding as unimportant and are starting to opt for the artificial option of bottle feeding instead.

Here are a few benefits of Breastfeeding your baby, which every mother should know –

1] Healthier Baby

Mothers should breastfeed their baby as it leads to lesser chances of him/her getting pneumonia, cold and viruses. Certainly, it has been proven that breastfeeding your baby may reduce his/her chances of getting chronic conditions like type I diabetes, celiac disease and chronic disease. Breastfed babies also develop stronger bones in the future.


2] Decreased rate of Cancers

It has been scientifically proven that women who breastfeed their babies have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and it also helps mothers from shedding their post pregnancy weight quickly along with avoiding postpartum depression.


3] Baby Mother Bonding

Breastfeeding your baby helps develop a stronger bond between the mother and the baby. The baby gets more familiar with his mother and it helps the baby in developing various tastes from the beginning. Apart from that, it’s also empowering for a mother to see her baby grow and thrive on her breastmilk.


4] Expert Advice – Experts in the medical industry have recommended and emphasized to every new mother the importance of breastfeeding her baby for atleast the first 6 months. Dr. Madhavi Latha, Lactation Specialist, suggests that new mothers who have a full-time job and don’t have enough time to breastfeed their baby should consider a breastfeeding pump to pump and store their milk, refrigerate it and then which can be consumed within 8 days.


Apart from that, Dr. Raghuram Malliah, says that pain is a part and parcel of motherhood. Mothers should know the trick of handling their baby with care while breastfeeding.  Taking a day’s break can negatively impact the milk flow, instead of this they can restore the milk and feed later because mother’s milk digests sooner.


Dr. Shobha Venkat even suggests that mothers, in order to keep themselves hydrated, should drink enough water before breastfeeding the baby.


The bond between a mother and baby is sacred and cannot be destroyed easily. Make sure all you mothers secure this bond forever.

Tests and Services To Look Out For While Opting For Stem Cell Banking

There are a number of things that need to be kept in mind while opting for stem cell banking such as cryopreservation facility, location, cost, collection and transportation facility. Over and above the basic services one must also ensure they choose a stem cell bank is transparency in providing the complete detailed reports of all the tests performed such as sterility, CD34 cell count, viability CFU, HLA Testing and more.

Stem cell banking benefits:

Storing these cells can help you treat over 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders, and immune disorders. Stem cells also have the ability to rebuild cardiac tissue, repair damage due to stroke or spinal cord injuries, reverse the effects of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and much more. As a result, cord blood banking is worth spending for. Below is a list of tests and services you must look for:

Sterility Test: Sterility Test detects any kind of aerobic and anaerobic microbial contamination in the cord blood and cord tissue. Helps to ensure micro-organism and contamination free cord blood and cord tissue which can be used in future transplantation.


Stem Cell Count: Stem cells happen to be Mono-Nuclear Cells or MNC: when you look at them under a microscope there is only one nucleus. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult aspects of stem cell biology is that you can’t identify a stem cell just by looking at it.  There are other types of blood cells which are also MNC, such as nucleated red blood cells.  The only proof that a cell is a stem cell comes from how it behaves when it multiplies. Stem Cell Count test is done to determine the number of stem cells in the isolated fraction of cord blood cells. Stem Cell Count aids the hematologist in determining the treatment plan for stem cell transplantation.


CFU: Stem cells have the ability to differentiate, but how do you evaluate this ability? The answer to this is CFU test. This test is a two-week lab test that lets you estimate the cell potency. In the CFU test a small portion is observed under controlled conditions to see if stem cells differentiate to form colonies.  Earlier it used to be a subjective measure, but recently it has been standardized with technology to image the cells and count colonies in the image. During the test it takes 14 days for colonies to grow, therefore it is advised to perform the test at the time of preservation. As per US. Dept. of Health and Human Services and their prescribed guidelines CFU evaluation is a must at the tim

e of preservation as it determines potency, differentiation capacity and actual utility of stem cells. Babycell™ is the only stem cell bank in India that performs the CFU assay at the time of preservation and provides the test results along with client’s Cryopreservation Certificate.1


HLA testing and its importance:

HLA means Human Leukocyte Antigens, which are found on the surface of various types of nucleated cells in the human body. In the human anatomy, they are akin to an “identity card”, inherited from one’s parents and could distinguish “self” and “nonself”. Briefly, there are 6 HLA types: A, B, DQ and DR. Out of which A, B and DR play a critical role during cord blood transplants. A cord blood transplant is just as effective at curing patients with only a 4 out of 6 match (67% match) between donor and patient.

The best potential for an HLA match is within the family. Each person inherits one A, B, DR antigen from each parent. Thus, we have 2 HLA-A antigens, 2 HLA-B antigens and 2 DR antigen which make up total 6 anitgens. In case of a Cord Blood Transplant 4/6 is a suitable match.

When an unrelated donor is sought the number of potential HLA combinations becomes so enormous that finding the patient’s exact HLA type may seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. HLA helps to understand the acceptance and recovery after transplantation on two factors

  • Engraftment – Engraftment occurs when the donated cells that were transplanted begin to grow and make new cells.
  • Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD)-A post-transplant complication, GVHD occurs when the immune cells from the cord blood (the graft) attack the patient’s own immune cells.



Haemoglobinopathy Test:

Haemoglobinopathy is a condition that involves an abnormality in the structure of haemoglobin. An investigation of a hemoglobin disorder typically involves tests that determine the types and amounts of hemoglobin present in a person’s sample of blood. Information from the test, along with results from routine tests such as a complete blood count (CBC) and blood smear, aid in establishing a diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies.

With this test, you can detect the disorders and arrange a treatment accordingly.

So the next time you are looking for a reliable stem cell banking in India or anywhere in the world, keep the above services in mind. They will definitely help you choose the right stem cell banking service that lets you make the most for your loved ones.



To know more read –


A journey towards Fatherhood

Becoming a father is a life changing and beautiful experience in a man’s life. The journey will be full of ups and downs but it’s definitely a memorable one.

The most memorable moments include the time spent with the newborn baby, giving the baby a bath, cooking for your wife when she is busy taking care of the baby, clicking innumerable photographs of the baby and your family and changing the diapers as it’s fun activity that encourages baby bonding.



Here are a few easy ways that will guide you all to make your journey fun and easy –

1] Before Child’s Delivery –

When you come to know that you and your wife are expecting your first baby, you need to plan many things before the baby is born. Both the partners have to make sure that they raise their upcoming baby as a team and not at as individuals. The father always intend to plan the best for securing his baby’s future. One of the most important decisions that a couple takes for the baby before he/she is born is enrolling for stem cell banking. Check out the list of what you must look for in a stem cell bank – You can also read about benefits of cord blood banking on  Cord blood stem cells have a potential to cure over 80 diseases, parents must ensure cord blood preservation to protect baby and family.

Dads-to-be must ensure that they accompany their wives to every doctor’s appointment and should also keep a tab on the health of mother and baby. They can attend parenting classes to understanding child delivery, baby care and more.



2] During Child’s Delivery –

The moment your wife goes into labor instead of panicking, you have to make sure you are calm and supportive of her. Being calm during the delivery is a sign that you are off to a new start. Once your wife is in labor make sure that you have carried the cord blood collection kit box to collect the umbilical cord during the delivery and inform your cord blood bank to collect the cord post-delivery.


3] Post Child’s Delivery –

Once the baby is born a family is complete, but at the same time, the challenges tend to grow. It is really important for you to spend time with the baby. Even if you are working outside the house, once you are back home you should it make it a point to spend as much time with the baby as possible. Giving the baby a bath is very important for baby – daddy bonding since this helps the baby get used to the dad’s touch. It’s important for you to provide emotional support to your wife by giving her an assurance that you are always there for her. The husband and the wife should make sure that they change the baby’s nappies together as it is a fun activity for family bonding. J The best way to increase family bonding is doing a photoshoot together to frame memories of a lifetime with your new bundle of joy! To check for tips on spending time with your baby read –



Fatherhood is challenging, but your baby is always worth all the work!


Why it’s important for every parent to spend quality time with their new-born

Parenting is a fun, emotional and yet a tough journey; one needs a lot of patience to raise children. Parents have to understand babies and handle them with care in a friendly and patient manner, no matter what age they are.

Every parent intends to raise a happy, smart and well-adjusted child. Children from birth to adulthood need time and attention from their parents. Parents are often anxious to raise a “successful” child and they overlook the importance of spending time with them or interacting personally with the child. Quality time is the time when both child and parents are fully engaged in an activity together and enjoy the same.


The ultimate motive behind spending quality time with the new-born is to love, understand, and develop your child as a happy, well-adjusted, and contributing member of society. If the relationship between parent and child is unhealthy, there are several negative outcomes when the child or adolescent does not receive the right love, attention, and guidance from the parents.


There’s no particular way to build a strong relationship with the child – every family has to figure it out for themselves. There will be times when the parents don’t or can’t do what they would like to do for the child, but if proper quality time is spent it would lead to positive relationship between the newborn and the parent.

The relationship can be built by:

1] Playing with the Baby – It’s really very important for new parents to play with their babies as much as they can. Parents should engage playing games like peekaboo, playing soft toys etc. with their newborn as it helps to develop a bond with them and it also makes the newborn explore other things.


2] Baby Bathing – Give a bath to your baby every day is a great way to develop a bond with your child. It is helpful in developing the ability to recognize their parent’s touch and also it helps them to get familiar with a particular surrounding

43] Taking your baby for a stroll – Taking your baby out for rounds from a very young age helps in making the baby adjusted to the surroundings out there and also during this period there are chances for the baby to develop a close bond with their parents


4] Being in the moment with the newborn – Being in the moment would be giving attention to the new-born so that the child feels valued and loved. This kind of attention doesn’t have to be a big deal – the parent just needs to be in that moment mentally, physically and emotionally with the new-born.


Taking some time out every day for the baby. Also scheduling a time exclusively for you and your child. Be sure that you do not get interrupted and disturbed. This exclusive time can be anytime during the day, just before bedtime and lead to giving bedtime story lessons to the child or right after coming from your office or after some time. Keeping in mind that the child will be waiting at that time and there should not be any distractions.


If you’re expecting a baby and thinking what best you can do to strengthen the bond with your upcoming baby you must think about preserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood and strengthen the cord of love.

Preserving this eternal bond not only helps you secure a healthy future for your child but also builds a connection right from the time of birth!