The importance of consuming Folic Acid during pregnancy

What is Folic Acid?

Folate and folic acid are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin.

Where is it found?

Foods that are naturally high in folate include leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli, and lettuce), okra, asparagus, fruits (such as bananas, melons, and lemons) beans, yeast, mushrooms, meat (such as beef liver and kidney), orange juice, and tomato juice.

Image result for folic acid vegetables and fruits

 Benefits of Folic Acid

Folic acid is used for preventing and treating low blood levels of folate (folate deficiency), as well as its complications, including “tired blood” (anemia) and the inability of the bowel to absorb nutrients properly. Folic acid is also used for other conditions commonly associated with folate deficiency, including ulcerative colitis, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney dialysis.

Folic acid is used for memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, age-related hearing loss, preventing the eye disease age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reducing signs of aging, weak bones (osteoporosis), jumpy legs (restless leg syndrome), sleep problems, depression, nerve pain, muscle pain, AIDS, a skin disease called vitiligo, and an inherited disease called Fragile-X syndrome. It is also used for reducing harmful side effects of treatment with the medications lometrexol and methotrexate. Some doctors recommend to apply folic aciddirectly to the gum for treating gum infections.

Importance of Folic Acid before and during pregnancy

If you’re pregnant or might become pregnant, it’s critically important to get enough folic acid, the synthetic form of vitamin B9, also known as folate. Women who are pregnant or might become pregnant must take folic acid to prevent miscarriage and “neural tube defects,” birth defects such as spina bifida that occur when the fetus’s spine and back do not close during development.

Image result for folic acid pregnancy

 How much folic acid you need?

To reduce your baby’s risk of developing a neural tube defect, experts recommend that you take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid a day, beginning at least a month before you start trying to get pregnant. Don’t take more than 1,000 mcg per day of folic acid unless your healthcare provider advises you to. This is particularly important if you are a vegetarian. Vegans are at risk of being deficient in vitamin B12 and taking too much folic acid would make it hard to diagnose that deficiency.

Is the supplement recommended?

Yes. Many authorities, including FOGSI, ACOG and the March of Dimes, recommend that all women of childbearing age take a multivitamin with folic acid or a folic acid supplement every single day

Signs of a folic acid deficiency

The signs of folic acid deficiency can be subtle. You may have diarrhea, anemia, loss of appetite, and weight loss, as well as weakness, a sore tongue, headaches, heart palpitations, and irritability.

If you’re only mildly deficient, you may not notice any symptoms at all, but you won’t be getting the optimal amount for your baby’s early embryonic development.


Pregnancy Diet – Essential Nutrients – Folic Acid

Choosing a balanced diet during pregnancy is a must, it will help you meet your daily calorie requirements, keep a check on your intake and maintain a healthy body weight. During this phase, pregnant women should consume the right amount of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, folic acid and more.

Take a look at some of the nutrients which deserve a star position in your pregnancy diet.

Folic Acid:

Is vital for the normal development of your baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord.


Proteins help pregnant mother’s produce amino acids that are the building blocks of the baby’s body.


Iron is useful in the production of haemoglobin that helps to deliver oxygen and prevent premature delivery.


Calcium helps in the development of the baby’s brain.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A helps in the creation of cells that will make up baby’s internal organs

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C helps in building a healthy immune system.

While every nutrient is important, there are a few that should be consumed on a larger scale. One of them is folic acid.

Why folic acid during pregnancy?

Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps a baby’s neural tube to develop properly which then becomes the brain and spinal cord. On the other hand, folic acid also helps prevent other birth defects, such as a cleft palate, etc. While folic acid plays a vital role, we have listed few myths and truths about this essential nutrient.

Folic acid is not the same as folate.

Myth 1:

Pregnant mothers who do not have a history of ‘spina bifida’ do not have to take folic acid.

Truth 1:

Most (95%) spina bifida cases happen in families without a history, so it is important to plan ahead and take folic acid regularly.

Myth 2:

Women, who are not planning to get pregnant anytime soon, do not need to consume folic acid.

Truth 2:

As half of all pregnancies are not planned, it is important to take folic acid every day.

Myth 3:

Foods that have folate, like orange juice also have folic acid. So, having a glass of orange juice will provide the required folic acid.

Truth 2:

Our bodies absorb a man-made form of folic acid found in vitamins easily. The best way to get the folic acid is by taking a vitamin with it.

Now that you know the myths and the truth associated with ‘Folic acid’, take a look at the top foods that serve as a rich source

1. Dark Leafy Greens 

If you are looking for an immediate boost in folic acid, make sure to include spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and romaine lettuce into your daily diet.


12. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in folic acid that makes it one of the best sources. Eating asparagus will provide you with Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Manganese and more.

23. Broccoli

This source of folate is also one of the best detox foods. One cup of broccoli will provide you with approximately 24% of your daily folic acid needs and other nutrients.

34. Citrus Fruits

Fruits that are rich in citrus, contain a high amount of folic acid. Consider eating papaya, grapefruit, banana, cantaloupe and strawberries in your diet.


How to include them in your diet?

There are a number of ways you could include folic acid in your diet. Some of the popular ways are listed below:

Juice: If you don’t prefer your greens boiled or cooked, put them in a juicer. You can consider having them with your breakfast. It is advised that you consume them fresh.

Salad: Salads too are a healthy and easy way to consume greens rich in folic acid. You can mix different sources of greens and enjoy.

Fortified cereals:

Most fortified cereals supply a whopping 100 to 400 mcg of folic acid in half cup to one and a half cup serving.

Mask it with your favourite dish:

While some of you might not like the taste of these greens, a good way to enjoy them is to add it to your favourite food dishes.

The best way to find out the right amount of folic acid that a women needs to consume varies from person to person. Hence, it is best to ask your experts who can help you with your diet.

So if you are pregnant or are about to conceive, make sure to include folic acid in your diet that can be vital for you and your baby.




Weird cravings during pregnancy

As a mom-to-be, you must have experienced the crazy pregnancy cravings! You are feeling emotional and some food/beverage items just feel right! But if you are having an extreme craving that does not seem right as it could mean there is some kind of nutritional deficiency. Here is a list of all food items that one usually craves and the science behind it.

  • Dirt, wall paint, ice


If you are craving for non-food items like chalk, wall paint, dirt and detergent, you might be suffering from ‘pica’. This means you are a little anemic and need to include iron rich foods in your diet.

  • Chocolate

If you are craving for chocolate then it could mean your body has magnesium deficiency. If you are good at self-control, you could eat sweets in moderation, have just a square or two of dark chocolate at a time. But if you aren’t, you could probably snack on almonds instead.


  • Pickles

It is very common for all pregnant ladies to crave for pickles at some point or the other. The craving for sour and tarty flavors might mean you want more variety in your daily diet. So go ahead and try out different things to see what makes you happy!


  • Spicy Food

Yet another common craving among pregnant ladies is spicy food, especially hot curries and red peppers. One of the advantages of spicy foods is makes you sweat, which in turn makes your body to cool-off. You can try adding spices to your meal to combat your craving.


  • Ice cream

If you are craving it for its creamy, sweet and icy feel then it might just be the weather. But if you are craving it too much, then your body might be in need of calcium. You can eat frozen yogurt instead and ensure there is enough calcium in your daily diet.


  • Green leafy vegetables

This might be the weirdest craving! But some time you can end up craving for leafy veggies. You would want to eat a giant pile of lettuce, palak, methi, etc. But this is a good craving to have! These are packed with nutrients and are good for your body and your baby!


All these crazy cravings are just a small part of the great journey that is pregnancy. Just remember to have a well-balanced diet and drink a lot of fluids between your meals.

A special message for all you fathers out there! Make her feel loved and never let the cravings take charge of her.

Pregnancy Nutrient Needs

Here’s a simple illustration of what your body needs during pregnancy.

Make the most of these ingredients in your diet for you to enjoy pregnancy with a power back up!
Here’s all the information on why to include these in your daily diet and how it will benefit your baby during pregnancy.
Share your comments if you find this information helpful! 

Pregnancy Nutrient Needs

Nutrition During Pregnancy

healthy pregnancy

The first question that most mothers have is ?when should I think about nutrition?? Change in food habits should start long before conceiving your baby- in the planning stage when you decide that you are ready to carry the baby. And you have to ensure that you take care of your diet not only before and during the pregnancy but also after the pregnancy when you breastfeed the baby.

However it is important to remember that even though you are growing a baby inside you it does not mean that you have to eat double. For a single pregnancy you need just 300-500 extra calories per day. This means a simple vegetable sandwich, a fruit and a glass of milk extra per day.

Mother?s nutrition is important right from the planning stage of baby. The right amount of nutrients help in the physical and mental development of the baby. Ideal birth weight is directly proportional to the right amount of nutrients intake by the mother.

Here are few reasons how a healthy diet benefits the mother

  • Healthy and Safe Pregnancy
  • Timely Labor and Delivery
  • Positive Birth Experience
  • Management of Hormones
  • Optimum weight gain

In the planning stage, doctors prescribe Nutraceuticals which help in the development of a healthy baby.


Now that we have gone through the list of food items once must include in their diet, let us move on to the food items once must avoid.

  1. Raw Meat: Might invite infections due to toxoplasma parasite.
  2. Soft cheese and milk- unpasteurized- Unpasteurized milk carry various disease causing bacteria.
  3. Raw eggs: Raw eggs too can carry salmonella that causes various diseases like mentioned before.
  4. Fish (in excess)- Some types of seafood ? particularly large, predatory fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish ? can contain high levels of mercury. Although the mercury in seafood isn’t a concern for most adults, special precautions apply if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
  5. Caffeine- Since caffeine is a stimulant that increases heart rate, it can cause various discomforts like feeling jittery and insomnia. It can also contribute to heart burn by stimulating the secretion of stomach acids.
  6. Alcohol and other forms of drugs: Alcohol and other forms of drugs, in general are harmful to the human body. So imagine the effect these would have on your baby. These can cause life threatening problems for your baby. Hence stay far away from them.